<h2>Affiliate Resources for the Ultimate Psoriasis Program Affiliate Program</h2>
<p><a href=”#aff_newsletter”>Updates</a> | <a href=”#aff_links”>Text links</a> | <a href=”#aff_emails”>Emails</a> | <a href=”#aff_banners”>Banners</a> | <a href=”#aff_pdf”>Viral PDF</a></p>
<p>Use these copy and paste resources to earn commissions through the Ultimate Psoriasis Program affiliate program. Please make sure that your promotions are in line with our <a href=”http://www.affiliatesaleschannel.com/resources/affiliate-agreement-tool/”>Affiliate Agreement</a> and if you haven’t signed up as affiliate yet go <a href=”https://ultimatepsoriasisprogram.com/affiliate/signup”>register for an affiliate account now</a>.</p>
<h3 id=”aff_newsletter”>Ultimate Psoriasis Program Affiliate News and Updates</h3>
<blockquote><p><span style=”color:red;”>Note to site owner:</span> you need to customize this section to have a form for your affiliate newsletter. You’re invited to download the “5 Keys to Profitable Affiliate Emails”</p></blockquote>
Make sure you register for the Ultimate Psoriasis Program Affiliate Program news and updates so you can make more sales when we announce:
<li>New sales, discounts, and promotions</li>
<li>Contests with great prizes</li>
<li>New tools, tips, and ideas</li>
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>Sign Up Here</a>
<h3 id=”aff_links”>Your Affiliate Links</h3>
<p><strong>Link #1:</strong> Home page</p>
Link to: http://YOURAFFILIATEID.Bak2Health.hop.clickbank.net
Copy and Paste Code:
<p><strong>Link #2:</strong> “Contact” page</p>
Link to: http://YOURAFFILIATEID.Bak2Health.hop.clickbank.net
Copy and Paste Code:
<h3 id=”aff_emails”>Emails</h3>
<p>Use these emails to contact your audience and send visitors through your Ultimate Psoriasis Program affiliate links. You’ll get the best results if you add these emails to your autoresponder sequence. If you don’t have an autoresponder sequence then you can sign up for an account with <a href=”http://newaccounts.aweber.com”>Aweber</a>.</p>
<strong>Email 1</strong>
<strong>Email 2</strong>
<h3 id=”aff_banners”>Banners</h3>
<blockquote><p><span style=”color:red;”>Note to site owner:</span> you can <a href=”http://www.affiliatesaleschannel.com/resources/banner-mistakes/”>download a free kit on the “3 Big Banner Mistakes” (Click here to download)</a> and how to avoid them so your affiliates can sell more of your products. </p></blockquote>
<p>Use these banners on your website to send your visitors through your Ultimate Psoriasis Program affiliate links. You’ll get the best results if you put these banners near the top right of your website so they will be visible even if your visitors don’t scroll down the page.</p>
<strong>Banner 1 </strong>
Copy and Paste Code:
<strong>Banner 2</strong>
Copy and Paste Code:
<h3>More Banners</h3>
<blockquote><p><span style=”color:red;”>Note to site owner:</span> you can upload your banners to https://ultimatepsoriasisprogram.com/images/banners/ directory and the automatically the images and the copy and paste code will appear in this section.</p></blockquote>
Banner 1: (Size = 172x607)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 2: (Size = 300x250)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 3: (Size = 322x52)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 4: (Size = 337x274)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 7: (Size = 337x279)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 8: (Size = 164x603)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 9: (Size = 336x280)
Copy and Paste Code:
Banner 10: (Size = 319x50)
Copy and Paste Code:
<h3>Pricing and Commission</h3>
Here’s what you could make based on the commission structure.
- 1 sale @ 33% X $97 = $32.01
- 2 sales @ 33% X $97 = $64.02
- 5 sales @ 33% X $97 = $160.05
- 10 sales @ 33% X $97 = $320.1
<h3 id=”aff_pdf”>Viral PDF</h3>
<blockquote><p><span style=”color:red;”>Note to site owner:</span>The Viral PDF Plugin makes it easy to create a PDF that your affiliates can download instantly and start offering right away. Their affiliate links will be embedded in your PDF and they’ll help spread your message by giving out your content to as many of their friends and website visitors as possible.</p>
<p><a href=”http://www.affiliatesaleschannel.com/products/viral-pdf/”>Get your copy of the Viral PDF Plugin here</a></p></blockquote>
<h3>Thank You</h3>
Thank you for promoting us through the Ultimate Psoriasis Program affiliate program,
Built with the free Affiliate Resources Page WordPress Plugin